Rev Esp Endocrinol Pediatr

Rev Esp Endocrinol Pediatr 2022;13(1):76-79 | Doi. 10.3266/RevEspEndocrinolPediatr.pre2022.Jun.765
Prof. Dr. Juan F. Sotos. In memoriam
Prof. Dr. Juan F. Sotos. In memoriam

Sent for review: 20 Jun. 2022 | Accepted: 20 Jun. 2022  | Published: 27 Jul. 2022
Jesús Argente Oliver
Catedrático de Pediatría de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Jefe de Servicio de Pediatría y Endocrinología Pediátrica del Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús. Madrid (Spain)
Correspondence:Jesús Argente Oliver, Catedrático de Pediatría de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Jefe de Servicio de Pediatría y Endocrinología Pediátrica del Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús, Madrid, Spain
Figure 1 - Prof. Dr. Juan F. Sotos

Dr Juan Fernández Sotos passed away peacefully on 8 May 2022, surrounded by his loved ones in Upper Arlington, Ohio, USA. He will be buried in the cemetery of Dublin, Ohio, alongside his beloved wife Lois, who passed in 2002.

Juan was born on 18 May 1927 in Tarazona de la Mancha, Albacete (Spain). The son of a physician, he studied medicine at the University of Valencia and graduated as top of his class at 23 years of age. He emigrated to the United States at the age of 26 to continue his training in medicine, and completed residencies at St. Christopher’s Hospital (Temple University) and Columbus Children’s Hospital (Ohio State University). He then did an internship in Pediatric Endocrinology at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, in Boston. He worked at Massachusetts General Hospital for several years as an instructor before obtaining a position as associate professor in 1963. In 1967 he became full professor of paediatrics at Ohio State University, working at this university and Columbus Children’s / Nationwide Children’s Hospital for 52 years as Head of Endocrinology and Metabolism and Director of the Department of Paediatrics.

Juan led a very intense clinical and academic life, dedicating himself wholeheartedly to the diagnosis and treatment of thousands of children. His research was focused on growth and metabolism, and he played a fundamental role in the establishment and development of the Endocrinology laboratories at Children’s Hospital. He published more than 100 scientific articles and numerous book chapters. He delivered a number of conferences in the United States and different countries and received numerous international awards for his contributions.

He was always especially happy to give conferences in his beloved Spain, which was always in his heart. He loved to converse with his colleagues, especially with us younger physicians, and showed extraordinary interest in our research work. It is important to highlight the fact that he was an extremely warm and kind person with a wonderful sense of humour. While writing these lines, so many anecdotes come to mind from the many endearing moments we shared during congresses, meetings and visits. He always had time to discuss the evolution of research, as well as that of life in general in Spain. Juan was an exceptional person and I will never forget our long telephone conversations that continued up until shortly before his death. In recent years, we were in frequent contact thanks to the constant help of Naomi Tokar, who took extraordinary care in organising his professional life. It has been an honour and privilege that I will never forget.

Dr Sotos will always be remembered for his description of Sotos Syndrome, published in 1964, which is characterised by overgrowth, and he was able to witness the subsequent discovery of the molecular causes of the disease.

On behalf of all Spanish paediatric endocrinologists and the Spanish Society for Paediatric Endocrinology, we would like to acknowledge you as you deserve, that is, as a magnificent person and an excellent professional.

You will be greatly missed, Juan. Thank you for your humanity, your honesty and your lessons on life, which we will never forget.

Prof. Dr. Jesús Argente Oliver


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